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Executive (I)
Thursday, 30th January, 2014


Matter for Consideration:
The proposed Adult Social Services fees and charges for 2014/15.
The current fees and charges for short stay residential care, non residential care and other services have been reviewed in line with government guidance, policy priorities and to promote greater equality and consistency in charging arrangements. There is also a need to consider cost price pressures and to manage resources within a cash limited budget. The revised proposals for fees and charges are outlined in the attached schedules.

Charges for services provided to clients who lack the mental capacity to manage their own finances are set in line with the Court of Protection’s directions regarding the remuneration and fixed costs which can be claimed by Local Authority Deputies appointed under their jurisdiction.
Does the information submitted include any exempt information?NO
Legal Considerations:
The Council is adjusting its charges with due regard to government guidance.
Personnel Considerations:
There are no human resources considerations. An Equality Analysis has been undertaken and It is anticipated that there will be an adverse differential impact on older people, of which a disproportionate number are women, and people with a disability. This is because there is a higher take up of non-residential/short stay residential care by these groups because their age and/or disability puts them at risk and they require care and support to maintain their independence. However, the amount that people are asked to contribute towards the cost of non-residential services is subject to a financial assessment and only those people who have been assessed as able to contribute from their income will be asked to pay an additional amount. Day care, the community alarm/telecare service, respite/short term residential care and transport are all services still subject to significant subsidisation.
Financial Considerations:
It is estimated that the implementation of the proposed charges will generate additional income of £29,700 in 2014/2015.
Performance Management Considerations:
Additional income generated will be monitored as part of the monthly budget monitoring process. The level of unpaid debt is also closely monitored.
Risk Management Considerations:
There is a risk that people will not pay increased contributions towards services or that they will cancel their support.
Relevant Officer:
Delyth Curtis Assistant Chief Executive (Adult Services)
Relevant Cabinet Member:
Councillor K. Rowson
Consultation Undertaken:
A comprehensive consultation exercise on changes to the charging arrangements was undertaken in 2012. The proposed changes in 2014/15 continue to reflect the principles agreed by the Executive Committee in December 2012.
Background Papers:
Is this a key decision?NO
Is the decision required in less than 5 days?NO
To approve the attached schedules relating to the proposed Adult Social Services fees and charges 2014/15.
Reasons for Recommendations:
To improve the equity and consistency of the charging arrangements and to recognise the impact of inflationary cost price increases on service delivery.
Is the recommendation contrary to a plan or strategy adopted or approved by the Council?NO
Is the recommendation in accordance with the Council’s approved Budget?YES
Other alternative options to be considered:
No increase in fees and charges resulting in no additional income to cover the increased costs of service provision. This will require savings to be identified in other areas of the budget.
Policy, Overview, and Scrutiny Committee Chairman (where appropriate)
Date Informed: N/A
Date Approved: N/A
The Cabinet Member agreed the recommendation as outlined above namely: To approve the fees and charges for Adult Social Services for 2014/2015, as outlined in the schedule attached at Appendix A.
Date:30th January 2014
Reason for Decision:
To improve the equity and consistency of the charging arrangements and to recognise the impact of inflationary cost price increases on service delivery.

Date of Publication:
30th January 2014

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